5 Successful Habits of Fitness Professionals: Jodi Atkinson Have you ever wondered what type of habits fitness professionals live by?  What do they eat?  What type workouts do they do?  Do they practice what they preach? Believe or not, these are common questions we get asked all the time.  To shed some light on what habits…

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5 Successful Habits of Fitness Professionals: Cortnee Blackie Have you ever wondered what type of habits fitness professionals live by?  What do they eat?  What type workouts do they do?  Do they practice what they preach? Believe or not, these are common questions we get asked all the time.  To shed some light on what habits…

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5 Successful Habits of Fitness Professionals: Hannah Harvey-Sampson Have you ever wondered what type of habits fitness professionals live by?  What do they eat?  What type workouts do they do?  Do they practice what they preach? Believe or not, these are common questions we get asked all the time.  To shed some light on what habits…

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