09 '14
How to Effectively Train Your Core Without Doing Any Crunches! Week 4: Valslide Body Saw Welcome back to Week 4 in our 5-week series, where we will showcase a new safe, effective, and most importantly, crunch-less, core exercise every week. In the last three weeks we have covered: the Pallof Press, Plank Variations, and most…
09 '14
How to Effectively Train Your Core Without Doing Any Crunches! Week 3: Plank Variations with Valslides Welcome back to Week 3 in our 5-week series, where we will showcase a new safe and effective core exercise (no crunches here!) every week, including the Pallof Press, Plank Variations, Plank Variations with Valslides, Body Saw, and Bird Dog. In…