5 Successful Habits of Fitness Professionals: Hannah Harvey-Sampson Have you ever wondered what type of habits fitness professionals live by?  What do they eat?  What type workouts do they do?  Do they practice what they preach? Believe or not, these are common questions we get asked all the time.  To shed some light on what habits…

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3 Nutritional Strategies for Fat Loss Most diets fail as they are designed with extreme practices (no carbs, only shakes, no sugar, etc.) that aren’t realistic or sustainable for the long term. To achieve success in the long run, it’s all about establishing healthy habits that can be practiced daily without the use of calorie…

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At DeHenzel Training Systems, we are always stressing the importance of breakfast to our clients. It’s not just the meal that is significant but what type of foods are consumed as well. Breakfast is the first chance your body has to fuel itself, get your metabolism going, and influence healthy choices for the rest of…

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