We are proud to feature Marilyn, wife to our very own (and highly coveted trainer), Nick Brown. In today’s feature, Marilyn sheds some insight on training during her first pregnancy and ultimately, into her second and current pregnancy. If you are pregnant or planning to become pregnant and are interested in exercising safely throughout your…
Tips for a Healthy Halloween Halloween is not only a scary holiday full of monsters, haunted houses, and horrifying movies, but it’s also a terrifying holiday in terms of calorie overload. The average American consumes roughly 24 pounds of candy per year, with most of it being around Halloween. If this isn’t alarming enough, the…
Progress Isn’t Always Linear During a conversation with one of my nutrition clients last week, it dawned on me how often the topic of progress arises in both nutritional and personal training sessions. It’s not only something that I often think about myself but speak about with clients on a regular basis. Let me digress…
Why You Shouldn’t Count Calories I admit, I’ve totally changed my tune on the topic of calorie counting over the past few years. Back up to a few years ago and I would advise my clients that the best way to lose weight is to count calories, every day, all day. And while I agree…
From the Locker Room to the Board Room: A Guide for Athletes Transitioning to the Work Place Division I volleyball provided me with valuable exercise knowhow and excellent overall physical fitness. Whether you were a college athlete like me or someone who simply enjoyed spending time in the campus gym, you may have found the…
5 Successful Habits of Fitness Professionals: Erika Stepter Have you ever wondered what type of habits fitness professionals live by? What do they eat? What type workouts do they do? Do they practice what they preach? Believe or not, these are common questions we get asked all the time. To shed some light on what habits…
5 Successful Habits of Fitness Professionals: Haley Murphy Have you ever wondered what type of habits fitness professionals live by? What do they eat? What type workouts do they do? Do they practice what they preach? Believe or not, these are common questions we get asked all the time. To shed some light on what habits…
5 Successful Habits of Fitness Professionals: Shayla Gerity Have you ever wondered what type of habits fitness professionals live by? What do they eat? What type workouts do they do? Do they practice what they preach? Believe or not, these are common questions we get asked all the time. To shed some light on what habits…
5 Successful Habits of Fitness Professionals: Nick Brown Have you ever wondered what type of habits fitness professionals live by? What do they eat? What type workouts do they do? Do they practice what they preach? Believe or not, these are common questions we get asked all the time. To shed some light on what…
5 Successful Habits of Fitness Professionals: Tayler Nick Have you ever wondered what type of habits fitness professionals live by? What do they eat? What type workouts do they do? Do they practice what they preach? Believe or not, these are common questions we get asked all the time. To shed some light on what habits…