How to Write an Awesome Workout Program There are numerous correct ways to write an effective workout program that can vary based on goals, training preferences, physical abilities and limitations. With that being said, there are also many wrong ways to write a program. A poorly written program can not only hinder progress, but it can…

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Unconventional Cardio: Descending Pyramids Unconventional cardio, such as Tabatas and Timed Rounds, are a less traditional approach to cardio without the use of traditional machines such as treadmills, ellipticals, stationary bikes, etc. Unconventional cardio can be a great way to raise the heart rate without stepping foot on a machine or simply a way mix…

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Unconventional Cardio: Timed Rounds Traditional cardio machines can oftentimes be very predictable and less than exciting. Unconventional cardio, such as Tabatas can be a great way to raise the heart rate and keep exercise routines from becoming stale. Another less traditional way to accomplish cardio is to perform timed rounds. Timed rounds are performed at…

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Unconventional Cardio: Tabatas The term “cardio” is oftentimes directly associated with fitness equipment such as the, treadmill, elliptical, stair stepper and stationary bike. Logging endless hours on these machines can be quite repetitive and sometimes boring. Not to worry, there are many ways, such as performing Tabatas, to accomplish cardio that are a little less…

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3 Unique Ways to Make Any Exercise Harder When it comes to making an exercise harder, there are two obvious and well-known ways: add more weight or increase the repetitions. However, there are also some lesser-known techniques that can really make an exercise more challenging. Here are three unique ways to make any exercise more…

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5 Ways Weight Training Trumps Cardio When it comes to weight loss, the significance of weight training is often overlooked, and cardio is placed on a pedestal. While cardio is important, lifting weights is just as significant when it comes to burning calories and shedding body fat. Check out the following five benefits of weight training:…

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4 Ways to Stay Motivated with Your Workout  During the first few weeks of the year, the gym is always packed with new faces. It’s an exciting time of year for many, filled with a strong sense of motivation to get back on track with fitness. Fast-forward to February and the gym returns to normalcy…

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6 Ways to Burn More Fat at the Gym Sometimes performing regular workouts, counting endless calories and eating nothing but protein and vegetables still don’t make those skinny jeans fit. This can certainly be frustrating, but luckily, there are many ways to get the metabolism revving again. Here are six awesome ways to burn more…

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3 Ways to Avoid Fitness Resolution Pitfalls For many, the beginning of a new year brings resolutions to lose weight, get in shape, join a gym, and so on and so forth. While these new goals always start off strong, they tend to fizzle as January comes to a close. To avoid the resolution pitfall,…

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Eliminating Your Limiting Factors AND Reaching Your Goals Have you ever set out to reach your health and fitness goals and been unsuccessful? If you’re nodding your head “yes” right now, you’re not alone. Oftentimes we set out to reach a goal, such as lose weight or run a 5k, and we don’t make it…

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